Author: Mike

  • Did you know? Plants absolutely love dirty aquarium water

    Did you know? Plants absolutely love dirty aquarium water

    Sourcing out what you consider to be the best fertilizer for your plants should always be your top priority. There is a lot to consider, and there is no right or wrong answer, but definitely put a little effort in researching what works best for you. In my experience, I have found that I was…

  • Which microgreens are for me?

    Which microgreens are for me?

    As I delve deeper into the world of microgreens, the first reality that slaps me in the face is that microgreens have so many different uses, and each variety seems to be better at one thing than the rest. It has quickly become very confusing to say the least! In order to help me learn,…

  • Day 2: Everything looking great so far!

    Day 2: Everything looking great so far!

    11:00 am: Took the lids off each of the trays to water and give a quick inspection. I was pleasantly surprised to find very few sticks to the lids as they were removed, which I was a little worried about. There was still a very little bit of water in the trays, and I went…

  • Day 1: My first day as a Microgreens farmer

    Day 1: My first day as a Microgreens farmer

    After months of procrastination and excuses. today I finally decided to go for it and start my microgreens farm. This has been in the planning for a while, and today we get started, and will keep daily updates here to help keep me on task, and possibly to help others avoid my mistakes. I am…